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Whether your aches are sparked by the weather or something else, these steps can help you feel better.

Knapp Chiropractic Amp Wellness Center Blog

Get Adjusted

When it’s cold out it’s easy to tense up and feel knotted up and sore. The reason being is arthritic changes are sensitive to the cold weather and will cause achiness or pain. An adjustment will slow down any degeneration to your joints and improve the healing of the damaged cells or tissues. Make sure you are coming in for regular adjustments!  Be good to your body and it will repay you!

Eat Healthily

Load up on foods rich in:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Think salmon and nuts to curb inflammation.
  • Vitamin K.  Make meals that feature greens, such as spinach, kale, and cabbage, for their pain-soothing properties.
  • Vitamin C.  Add color to your diet with juicy oranges, sweet red peppers and tomatoes, and other C-rich foods to halt cartilage loss (and resulting pain) that comes with arthritis. Avoid foods high in omega-6 fatty acids, such as corn oil, which may trigger painful inflammation. Also, swap refined grains for whole grains. Early research suggests refined grains have an inflammatory effect, whereas high-fiber whole grains may help reduce inflammation.

Keep Moving One reason the cold weather is linked to joint pain is people are less likely to work out when it’s chilly and damp. Being a couch potato is bad news for your joints because exercise helps lubricate them to prevent pain.

Too cold out? Bring your workout indoors — and don’t overdo it! Choose low-impact aerobic moves that are easy on joints, such as walking, and yoga or tai chi, which enhance your range of motion. Lifting weights can also help because it builds joint-supporting muscles.

For more information on how to help with your achy joints, please give us a call at 262-796-5108 to set up an appointment today. Let us adjust you back to wellness!