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Knapp Chiropractic Amp Wellness Center Blog

Bringing home your bundle of joy is an exciting time! Babies bring happiness and joy with a healthy side of new stress from navigating uncharted waters and few hours of restful sleep.

While the apple of your eye might not have come with a parenting manual, professional pediatric chiropractic care can often help you uncover issues that might be creating common newborn issues like colic, or reflux, therefore restoring those zzzzz’s for proud parents.

For families who want to breastfeed, consulting with a chiropractor could be the key to breastfeeding success and lowering mom’s stress levels. Proper alignment to ensure movement of the jaw, neck, and shoulder can assist the baby in proper latching. And, of course, a little alignment for Mom can go a long way to supporting a family!

One of the most common reasons parents are up all hours taking turns with an angry, crying, and restless baby is colic. Presenting few options for traditional treatment, colic has been disrupting babymoons for decades. However, careful and gentle chiropractic care, which focuses on the nervous system, has been shown to improve symptoms in most babies.

Perhaps the second most common ailment which poses to upset the calm of your home is gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. GERD occurs when acid leaks from their tummy and into their esophagus, which, as many adults know, causes discomfort and pain. Knapp Chiropractic takes a whole-body approach to address the pain caused by GERD by working to balance the digestive system through spinal alignment, which helps relieve any pressure on the diaphragm.

A natural science, chiropractic care takes a holistic approach looking at not only how to solve any problems, but how to prevent them, as well as how to support everyone through them. In some ways, a parent’s health is directly linked to that of their children. If the child is unwell, in pain, or struggling, this becomes stress on the parents who might be struggling with providing comfort and finding medical solutions.

At Knapp Chiropractic, our focus is always on finding solutions that benefit everyone. Soothing a colicky baby can mean treating the infant, but also treating mom or dad who’s back might be tired and worn out. Helping families treat common newborn issues can help create calm and increase bonding.

Need to bring the kids (and yourself!) in for a chiropractic tune-up? Contact us at 262-796-5108 to set up a consultation, or stop into our office in Brookfield to talk more. We can also be ,,reached here on Facebook.