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Knapp Chiropractic Amp Wellness Center

With the holidays creeping in, the need for finding the perfect gifts and the money to buy them can be quite stressful. Some people such as me get anxious around the end of the year holiday season, not only by financial complications but by being around large masses of family and other people for these events. Not to say we don’t enjoy seeing extended family members however, it can be physically and mentally exhausting. Articulating what exactly to say to certain family members to appease them, slaving away over the stove making your “dish to pass”, even just being able to walk in the front door can be challenging. Don’t get me started on all the cleaning these few months’ demands! All of these things can make for a rough, not so jolly season. I promise you, you’re not alone!

What can you do to minimize the stress?

Sometimes it’s hard to regroup when the stress sets in. Think about how whether or not holidays in the past have taken a toll on your mind and body and then take the next step to prevent any unnecessary stress, to begin with!

  1. MAKE TIME FOR YOUR HEALTH. Going to see your regular chiropractor consistently for adjustments can help ease and relieve stress. This reduces lack of focus, restores function to the body, decreases muscle tension and enables you to relax! An adjustment will increase how your brain is talking to your body and allow you to better adapt to all stressful situations around you.
  2. Think about the things that stress you out during these times. What is it that you’re struggling with particularly? Are you taking on too much at a time? Are you struggling with the death of a loved one? Not sure how to handle that one family member who grinds your gears?
  3. Ask for help! Sometimes all we need is a bit of support and a helping hand. Get someone you know to help you with the baking, cooking and cleaning so it’s not all on you!
  4. Stick to a solid budget. Decide beforehand how much you are able to spend whether it’s just on food for these events or on gifts as well.
  5. Plan ahead to prevent procrastination. If you set aside specific days or times to do what needs to be done, it can be broken up so you’re not stuck doing it last minute and all at once. The worst part is when you forget something!
  6. Don’t forget that self-care is important! Taking care of your body and mind will keep a healthier, happier you! This means taking time for you even if it just means setting fifteen minutes aside to take a breather.
  7. Try aromatherapy. Many people choose to use essential oils in their life to help with any number of things including illness, stress, anxiety, breathing, and sleep. Just a few include lavender, lemon, and bergamot.
  8. Learn to say no. We all know it’s hard to say no sometimes but sometimes we must. Saying yes when you are aware you should be saying no can leave you overwhelmed, resentful and strapped for time. Your family and friends who truly love you will understand that you can’t make it to every single event, project or activity.
  9. What about that irksome family member? We all try not to step on people’s toes during those family gatherings and keep the peace. Sometimes it seems like no matter what you do, you just can’t get along. Realizing that not everyone will get along and accepting people for who they are can help set your mind at ease. Not everyone will meet your expectations. If a discussion is meant to be had, set aside a more appropriate time where you can hash things out in a better environment. Keep in mind that chances are they’re feeling the holiday stresses of the season as well!

There are plenty of ways to prevent stress not only during the holidays but on a day to day basis as well. For more information on ways to lower stress, feel free to stop on in, or call us at (262)-796-5108. Also, visit us on facebook @knappchiro, or our website knappchirowi.com.