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It’s now understood that pediatric chiropractic care in the first year can be very beneficial for the healthy growth of the nervous system. As your child grows, so does their brain and spine; and in that critical first year, it grows at a tremendous rate!

A newborn goes through the trauma of birth; a toddler falls repetitively when learning to walk. All of this interference can cause a baby’s spine to create interference with the nervous system. Left untreated, health issues such as colic, allergies, and ear infections can happen.

When is it important to get your baby checked by a chiropractor?


Right after birth is one of the most important times to bring your newborn in to be checked. The trauma of birth can affect babies greatly, especially if the birth was difficult; this includes c-sections, forceps, vacuum extraction, or turning in the womb.

Many babies are born with torticollis which is a condition that causes your baby’s head to tilt to one side while rotating to the opposite side. This often happens as a result of womb positioning or difficult childbirth.

Torticollis can cause subluxations in the cervical spine and can cause babies pain. Gentle spinal manipulation and massage can be all they need to get relief and help restore and revive nervous system growth.

Sitting up by themselves

This takes so much work for babies!  They have to use their head, spine, core, and balance at a very young age, and all of this work can lead to spine issues.  This is also when your baby’s spinal curve (lumbar lordosis) is being developed, and it can create strain in their lower back and sacrum.

Gentle adjustments help align their spine and the lower back as their spine continues to grow. 

Learning to crawl

Crawling takes tremendous balance and coordination. The cross-crawl where they use opposite hands and legs is a critical part of neurological development. However, they also tumble and stumble a lot in this process, and that can cause painful subluxations. If not attended to, it can delay crawling and motor development.

Learning to walk

The biggest accomplishment of all! When a baby is first learning to walk, they are very wobbly, and there will be many falls and bumps. Each time that happens, it can create interference between the spine and the nervous system, which needs to be corrected.

When they are just beginning to walk, a check is a good idea to help them “iron out all the kinks” so they get back on their feet faster!

See Related: Let Those Babies Go Barefoot!

Adjustments for Babies are Gentle

When you bring your baby into the office, it will be a pleasant experience for them! Rest assured, there is no “popping” or twisting involved. We use an extremely light touch, and most of the time, the baby doesn’t even notice. Every adjustment is tailored to the baby’s needs, and you will be with them at all times.

Is it time for us to meet your baby? We’d love to meet you and find out more about your family.