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There are so many reasons children can benefit from chiropractic, yet many people believe that only adults need regular care. Not true! Children who are seen regularly here in the office have often have fewer health issues and take the care of their bodies seriously, all the way into adulthood.

Here are some of the benefits of bringing your kids in for regular adjustments.

Better Sleep
As much as 30 percent of US kids don’t get enough sleep due to disorders like night terrors, insomnia, sleepwalking, or sleep apnea. Sleep is essential for growth, memory, and so many other things, including better mental health. 

Reduces Colic

If your child has had colic, you know how heartbreaking it is! Babies who have colic can cry for as long as three hours a day. Symptoms usually appear about 6 weeks of age, and it can leave parents feeling helpless and exhausted. Chiropractic is a safe, non-invasive way to reduce colic symptoms for your baby (and we’ll make you feel better, too!).

Read about how Chiropractic can help babies with collic.

Improves Althetecism and Sports Injuries

Chiropractic helps kids who play sports bounce back faster from injuries and heal more quickly. Regular treatment and showing them how to take care of their bodies can help them excel at the games they love. 

Headache Help

Nearly all headaches in kids are caused by muscle tension. Spinal manipulation and adjustments can help loosen up those muscles in the back or neck and relieve that tension, calming down the muscles and joints.

Read about holistic treatments for kids with headaches.

Ear Infection Relief

There are not many kids who get through childhood without an ear infection. They can be caused by a cold, sinus infection, or virus, but there are safer ways to treat them other than antibiotics. Adjuments can help strengthen their immune system and manage pain.

Growing Pains

Daily activities that children participate in result in stress in the spine. This affects their nervous system and makes them feel achy and uncomfortable, usually right around bedtime. A visit and an adjustment can take that pressure off the spine, making them more comfortable.

Tummy Troubles

Constipation, acid reflux, and general tummy aches are common with growing kids. There are specific areas of the spine that connect to digestion, and if they are out of alignment, their bodies will tell them so. 

Get Your Kid Healthy With Chiropractic Care!

When your kids hurt, you hurt. We can help ease everyone’s pain with regular care that will help your kids. Request an appointment now!