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Many of us find ourselves doing a lot more sitting than we used to. From working at home to weekends spent enjoying the most recent additions to Netflix, most of us are finding our lives to be a little more sedentary than they once were.

As much as you might love that soft and cushy couch, there’s a good chance it’s not truly supporting you or your kids! Sofas and lounges’ are well known to promote slumped or poor posture. ‘Couch slouch’ can lead to pressure on your lower back as well as causing your spinal ligaments to be overstretched.

Did you know that when you snuggle up on that beautiful sofa after dinner that your hunched posture could be causing acid to flow back up from your stomach, creating gastro-esophageal disease and inflammation?

While you might feel relaxed and comfortable while you’re bingeing your favorite show, it could be coming at an unknown price to your body and for your kids’ bodies as well!

Teenagers also are prone to slouching and “text neck,” which can cause neck stiffness, body aches, and in some cases nasty headaches.

For toddlers, sitting on a couch drinking from a sippy cup can be a recipe for reflux, especially if they are drinking juice with fruit in it.

Acid reflux is a common ailment for even the youngest of our patients, and babies, and their parents, find those symptoms improve with chiropractic care.

Regular treatments help reduce stress and muscle tension through careful adjustments to the spine ensuring proper alignment. ‘Couch slouch’ often aggravates sciatica, which can lead to more significant, lower-back pain, hip problems, and neck problems.

So make sure to get up from your comfy spot and move, at least once per hour! Your neck, back, and your digestive tract will thank you.

If your kids are having discomfort from reflux or colic, chiropractic adjustments can help heal current issues, while also preventing future issues.

Need to bring the kids (and yourself!) in for a chiropractic tune-up? Contact us at 262-796-5108 to set up a consultation, or stop into our office in Brookfield to talk more. We can also be ,,reached here on Facebook.