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If you’ve ever had a health problem, you know how debilitating it is. The old saying goes that there are two things you cannot buy, time and health. If anyone in your family is not healthy, then it takes a toll on everyone in the family. This month we want to talk about family health during the holiday season!

Being healthy is especially important when the winter months come creeping around because the cold and flu season is upon us. Shorter days, less time outdoors can really impact your mental and physical health. 

The following are some simple steps that will help to keep your family healthy during the holidays.

Staying Well-Rested is Important for Family Health


Reminder to stay well during the holidays

Getting enough sleep every night should always be a priority. If you’re tired, it can have an impact on your immune system which makes you more susceptible to getting sick.

It can be difficult to get kids to go to sleep at night, but getting plenty of rest is important for the health of your child. It allows them to recharge their batteries and get ready for a new day instead of being a zombie in class. Try setting a specific bedtime and sticking to it as much as possible. For example, children aged 5-7 should be going to bed between 7:30-8:00 PM every night. This will ensure that they are getting the sleep they need at night so they can function properly during the day.

Is your kid getting enough sleep?

Parents, you should be aiming for 7-8 hours of sleep per night. I know this can be difficult if you have young children and lots of responsibilities, but consider sleep one of your most important currencies. Besides, doesn’t it feel amazing when you get a good night’s sleep? You feel like you can conquer the world!

Step Up Your Handwashing Game

Go beyond just washing your hands after you use the bathroom, and step up how often you wash your hands. You are touching surfaces where germs can live much longer in the winter months! 

Get in the habit of washing your hands every few hours, and encourage children to do the same. Let everyone in the family have their own hand soap at home to encourage regular washing of hands.

Boost Your Immune System with Chiropractic Care

As you know, chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of conditions associated with the spine whid directly affect our immune system. During this time of year, our immune system is extremely important to keep us from getting sick.

If you and your family come in for regular adjustments once a month, consider bumping that to twice a month until the spring. Just that one minor change can make a big impact and keep sickness from running through your whole family.

See more information on holistic care for kids


Focus on Family Health This Holiday  Season

Getting sick is no fun and can really stop your day in its tracks. If you’re worried about getting sick during the holiday season, remember to wash your hands regularly, get a good night’s sleep and come in to see us to boost that immune system with adjustments! Call us at 262-796-5108 to talk about the perfect adjustment schedule for you and your family.