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Holistic Treatments From Headaches and Migraines 

As a parent, there’s no worse feeling than seeing your kid suffer from a disabling headache. While most headaches are generally harmless, some can be distressing for kids, especially if they haven’t had one before. What you also may not know is that there are many holistic headache treatments for kids, including chiropractic care. 

It’s important to know that most headaches are harmless. They can because by a change in diet, sleep issues, eye strain (too much screen time can be a big trigger), or hormonal changes. Kids who get headaches can outgrow them over time.

What Kind of Headache is It?

If you don’t have a family history of migraines and your child has never had a headache before, it’s most likely a tension headache rather than a migraine. But, if your child is really affected by light and has nausea or vomiting, it may be a migraine.

When you Should See The Doctor Immediately

  • If the headache is the result of a head injury
  • Loss of vision
  • If they have weaknesses in their limbs
  • If your child has slurred speech, seems confused or disoriented
  • If the headache lasts 12 hours or more


Are Headaches Normal in Kids and Teens?

Keep Track of the Symptoms and What Helps Them

Keep notes on things that you suspect triggers your child’s headaches, and what seems to ease them. This gives critical insight into what could be causing the headaches if they persist and you need to seek care. 

Holistic Headache Treatments

  • A quiet hot bath or shower with soothing music or white noise
  • Lie down with their head raised slightly
  • Cool or warm compression forehead or neck with a few drops of Lavender oil
  • Help them take deep calming breaths
  • Keep as much light out of the room as possible

How Can Chiropractic Help Headaches and Migraines?

At the heart of chiropractic care is focusing on the health of your musculoskeletal system. So many important nerves flow through your spine and control everything from blood flow to digestion. When you are out of alignment, it affects more than your back!

By doing a spinal adjustment, the vertebra is put back into alignment, relieving pinched nerves and improving blood flow. In some cases, the relief can be instant, for others it may slowly improve.

Regular adjustments can help keep everything in alignment, reducing the severity and frequency of headaches and migraines for kids (and adults!)

If your child is experiencing headaches or migraines call our office in Brookfield at 262-796-5108  or schedule online for evaluation and relief.