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How Chiropractic Care Can Help Colic in Babies

If you have a baby suffering from colic, some pediatric chiropractic treatments may help. Colic is the name for unexplained crying in babies, and it can be very frustrating to deal with. If you’re looking for an alternative treatment option, pediatric chiropractics is something worth considering. This blog post will go over what pediatric chiropractic can do to help colic in babies and how it works on such young patients!


baby with colic crying

What causes babies to be colicky?

What causes babies to have colicky problems? Colic is defined as “a condition in which a child cries persistently and cannot be comforted, despite normal pediatric care.” In pediatric chiropractic, there are various reasons for this problem. Some of these include: Nerve interference from the spine or pelvis can influence abdominal muscles, which can cause the baby to have colic.

Babies are more sensitive than adults, so there is a high possibility that some pediatric pain cases are not showing symptoms or signs. If your pediatrician has found no medical explanation for the problem, then you may want to consider pediatric chiropractic care as an option for your child.

Is chiropractic an effective treatment in infantile colic?

There is no specific pediatric treatment for colic, but as a  pediatric chiropractor, I have found that adjusting the baby’s spine and pelvis can relieve some of their pain. Most babies who go through this form of care experience less crying and irritability within a week or so. 

As a pediatric chiropractor with family-focused care, we can provide gentle and specific adjustments to reduce pain in the spine and pelvis that could be causing muscle spasms. This is an excellent alternative or complementary method to medical treatments that often include dietary changes or medications with side effects such as drowsiness or digestive problems.

Is chiropractic safe for your baby?

Chiropractic care is safe for infants when needed because it does not involve medications that could have adverse effects on babies. Seldom does pediatric chiropractic involve using any kind of equipment. It is often done with a baby lying comfortably across a parent’s lap so they feel safe and secure.

The amount of pressure applied is very light, similar to checking a piece of fruit for ripeness. The most frequently needed adjustment for colicky babies involves gentle, rhythmic pressure to the baby’s spine. This can help re-align some vertebrae and move more freely, which often helps relieve pain associated with an infant’s colic.

How does chiropractic care help your baby’s immune system?

As a pediatric chiropractor in Brookfield, we understand how the nervous system affects and controls most body functions. If something is out of whack with your baby’s spine, it will affect more than just their colic symptoms. A pediatric adjustment helps to improve circulation, which in turn also increases immune function, alleviating colic symptoms and helping your baby avoid illnesses that can lead to more serious health conditions.

Will we ever get to sleep again?

The vast majority of pediatric patients experience relief from their colic with just one or two gentle adjustments.

Additional pediatric chiropractic benefits that can help your baby:

– better sleep patterns

– improved mood/behavioral changes

– increased appetite

– fewer gas pains in babies with digestive issues

Pediatric chiropractic is an excellent option for colicky babies.

Babies can be soothed by the gentle, hands-on approach that we use to help alleviate their symptoms without medications or other aggressive treatments. And when everyone’s happy at home, you are too!

If your baby has been diagnosed with colic and you want a natural treatment to ease their discomfort, contact us today for more information about our services and how we can help your family feel better!