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Safe Babywearing

As a chiropractor, I have seen first-hand the health benefits of safe babywearing for both parent and child. Not only does it provide babies with a sense of security and comfort, but it also helps parents to keep their hands free while tending to other tasks. However, if done improperly, babywearing can cause strain on your spine and neck. So how do you ensure that you are wearing your baby safely? Here are some key tips for keeping you, your baby and your spine safe when babywearing.


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Posture Is Key

When wearing your baby, be sure to stand up straight—chest out and shoulders back—to help support your spine. Additionally, make sure that your head is in line with your neck and shoulders; don’t let it fall forward, as this will put extra strain on the muscles in your neck. When bending or walking, be sure to bend at the knees instead of at the waist so as not to put any undue stress on the lower back muscles.

Pregnancy Postpartum and Posture

Choose The Right Carrier For Safe Babywearing

When selecting a carrier for yourself or a loved one, be sure to choose one that distributes weight evenly across both hips and shoulders. It should also feature adjustable straps so that it can be adjusted to fit each wearer properly. For example, larger wearers may need longer straps than smaller wearers for proper support. It should also have a removable infant insert so that infants can ride safely in the carrier without slumping down or causing extra strain on their necks or backs due to improper positioning. This insert can be moved to accommodate the size of the baby and taken out completely when the baby no longer needs it.


Adjust As Needed

Be sure to re-adjust the straps of your carrier after each use. This will ensure that it is properly adjusted for optimal support and comfort so as not to cause any strain on your spine. Additionally, when carrying an infant, make sure that their head and neck are supported so that they do not slump down in the carrier. Adjusting the straps and/or infant insert may help to ensure a comfortable fit for both wearer and baby.

Take Breaks

When babywearing, be sure to take breaks throughout your day. Wearing your baby all day long can lead to strain on the spine due to fatigue of the muscles and ligaments. Taking breaks will help to rest these muscles and prevent any long-term damage or discomfort.


Alternate Carriers

It’s a great idea to alternate between different carriers often so as not to fatigue certain muscles from overuse or strain them from incorrect alignment when using a single type of carrier too frequently. Alternating between two or more types of carriers can also help you figure out which ones work best for different activities, such as shopping trips versus hikes in the park with a baby!

More information on safe babywearing can be found here from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Get Regular Adjustments When Babywearing!

Regular chiropractic adjustments can help realign your spine and ensure that you are wearing your baby in the most ergonomic way possible. It’s important to ensure that you take proper care of your spine to avoid any potential injuries or strain when babywearing. Plus, the more comfortable you are when wearing your baby, the more enjoyable and memorable your experience will be!

How often should you get adjusted? That depends on your individual needs. When you visit the office, let us know how often you are babywearing, and we will help determine a maintenance plan that is right for you.

Babywearing is a wonderful way to bond with your child while keeping your hands free for other tasks like housework and errands. We love seeing your family grow closer!

For your personalized appointment, call us at (262) 796-5108 or book online.