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Kids today are under a lot of stress. And it’s not just the pressure to get good grades and play sports, or deal with bullying and peer pressure—it’s also all those hours they spend staring at screens: smartphones, TVs, computers.

There’s even more than meets the eye: research shows that every hour kids spend on their devices reduces their sleep time by an hour and a half. That means they’re getting less time to detoxify from the day before, which can lead to mental health problems like ADHD and depression.

It also means that when they do go to bed late, they’re tired enough for their brains to start producing melatonin two hours sooner than usual—which makes it harder for them to fall asleep again during the night and get the sleep they desperately need.

Regular chiropractic adjustments have been shown to significantly reduce stress levels in teenagers by improving sleep quality, reducing anxiety, and increasing happiness levels. Adjustments also help to improve frequency in school and decrease the incidence of behavioral 

Regular Chiropractic Adjustments Can Help With the Physical Strain of Stress

One of the most common concerns with children is their posture. Their bodies are still developing during their formative years and it’s important for them to maintain good posture because poor posture can lead to a variety of problems as they grow up including a compressed spinal cord, chronic pain, and even breathing difficulties.

Stress is the body’s way of responding to an event that causes someone mental or physical strain; it has literally become one of the most popular topics in today’s culture. Although stress is a fact of life, it’s important to be aware that too much stress can have a negative effect on children’s mental and physical health.

The human body responds to stress automatically by releasing hormones that are meant to have short-term effects. Unfortunately, these hormones continue being released long after the stressful event has passed if the body.

See also, how a good immune system can contribute to lower stress levels.

Long Terms Effects of Stress on Kids Affects Their Well-Being

Stressful situations can have a profound effect on your well-being, and this goes for kids as well. Kids can manifest their stress in different ways than adults. For example, kids might pick fights with their friends, cry uncontrollably, or lash out at others around them.

The evidence is clear that too much stress can have a negative effect on your child’s mental and physical health. Our safe and gentle manipulations and adjustments can help to reduce the amount of tension and stress in a child’s body; giving them more success at school, fewer behavioral problems, and fewer incidents requiring medical attention! If you’re interested in learning how chiropractic care for children could benefit your family, contact us today so we can help you and your family manage stress!