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There’s an old wives tale that saves that babies bring their own ‘magic,’ which may well be true, but they often bring backaches and sore joints to Mama long before they arrive. Part of pregnancy is adding new self-care and health care regimens to ensure that mom and baby are always doing their best during these precious nine months, and one of those additions to your list is a chiropractor.

Sometimes overlooked, regular, professional chiropractic care is often an essential tool for some moms helping ease many of the common ailments which can arise during pregnancy. Paying careful attention to the spinal alignment, discs, and the nervous system itself can help a woman’s body manage the addition of new and shifting weight and that distribution of that weight.

Aside from physical ailments, the care paid to the body’s nervous system means that proper chiropractic prenatal care can also help reduce nausea. During the first trimester, many expectant mothers face challenges with nausea for various reasons. Realigning your spine helps your nervous system, which can help eliminate or lessen morning sickness episodes. Additionally, chiropractic care can help improve digestive issues such as heartburn or constipation; this is why it can help establish prenatal chiropractic care even before your pregnancy.

Definitely not a wives tale, is the fact that prenatal chiropractic care works to help your pelvis maintain and healthy balance, which can help the baby freely move head-first into the correct delivery position. This kind of work is usually done during the eight-month of the pregnancy, where regular adjustments are made to help mom avoid a breech presentation when it’s time to give birth.

Regardless of where you are in your prenatal journey, getting regular chiropractic care helps keep your spine in alignment and adjusts your hips and pelvis can also help ensure that your nerves aren’t pinched and are in optimum function. When it comes time for labor and delivery, having a body that is in alignment experience, optimal nerve health can actually help improve labor make it easier, less painful, and possibly even faster.

Of course, once the babe has arrived, continued chiropractic care for mom can help her body and her system heal from nine months of hard work and as well as complications that arose during the birth process. Even better is that your newborn can be seen and treated, helping to stave off, or treat, common infant issues like reflux and sleep issues.

We love the opportunity to get to know our clients, so regardless of whether or not you are pregnant or just starting your journey to parenthood, give us a call at 262-796-5108 to set up a consultation or stop by our office in Brookfield to talk more. We can also be ,reached here on Facebook.