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If your teen seems moodier and more withdrawn than they normally are, then it’s important as their parent to try to find out why. It may be that they’re just going through a tough time at school or with their friends, but it could also be something more serious, like stress or anxiety. Stress and anxiety in teens is common, but there are ways to help them combat it.


Teens facing stress and anxiety

Stress comes in three different forms, chemical, physical and emotional. Sometimes teenagers don’t know why they are feeling stressed and anxious, so it can be beneficial to break it down for them to find out what they are dealing with.

Physical Stress

One type of stress that can take a toll on teenagers is physical stress. This can be caused by several different things, such as:

  • Not getting enough sleep
  • An unhealthy diet
  • Poor posture
  • Lack of exercise
  • Too much exercise

Take some time to assess what is going on with your teen in these areas. Help them find a healthy balance with their body.

Emotional Stress

Emotional stress is another type of stress that teenagers often deal with.

  • Academic pressure
  • Family conflict
  • Peer pressure
  • Bullying
  • Relationship issues

This can be trickier because teenagers don’t often want to open up to their parents about these issues. Suggesting an intermediary like a counselor may make them feel more comfortable sharing the things that are causing them emotional stress.


Anxiety is a type of mental health disorder that can cause teens to feel excessively worried, stressed, and afraid. Anxiety can be caused by several different things, such as:

  • Fear of the unknown (new classes, graduating, etc.)
  • Feeling a loss of control.
  • Worrying about coping
  • Peer or family conflicts
  • Poor time management choices

Anxiety in teens is common because they are undergoing many changes rapidly in their lives. They feel a lot of pressure in their lives as they barrel towards adulthood and the unknown.

If your teen is dealing with stress and anxiety, there are several things you can do to help them. First, it’s important that they understand they are not alone and that what they are feeling is normal. It’s also important for them to have someone they can talk to about their anxiety. This could be a parent, friend, therapist, or guidance counselor.

If your teen is dealing with emotional stress, there are several things you can do to help them. First, encourage them to talk to you about what’s going on in their life. It’s important for them to have someone they can confide in and who will understand what they’re going through.


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Coping Mechanisms for Teens with Stress and Anxiety

In addition to talking, another way to help your teen reduce emotional stress is by teaching them healthy coping mechanisms. This could involve things like deep breathing exercises, journaling, or spending time outside in nature.

If your teen is dealing with physical stress, emotional, or anxiety, chiropractic adjustments can help adjust disruptions to their spine and help regulate their nervous system. These gentle and effective adjustments can also help relieve stress and tension in the body and improve posture and overall health.


Summer Spine Check for Teens | Brookfield Chiropractic

We will help determine the frequency of adjustments needed; we tailor every treatment plan to the teen’s lifestyle and needs to help them thrive!

Helping your teen reduce stress and anxiety can be a difficult but rewarding process. By teaching them healthy coping mechanisms and supporting them through their challenges, you are teaching them to use every resource available to them to have a full and happy life.

Schedule an appointment for your teenager here, or call us at (262)796-5108 to talk more.