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In a few short weeks, your teenager will have the summer off of school, and you might be seeing a bit more of them than you have during the busy school year. Take this time to get them in to see Dr. Nicole to assess their spine and get them some chiropractic care!

Tech Neck

how chiropractic can help tech neck


Take a look at the way your teen stands. Is their chin jutting downward towards their chest, even when they aren’t on a device? Does the back of their neck seem sloped? That’s tech neck, and it’s caused by teens spending so much time on the computer and on their phones at school and at home.  

Think of it like a tree growing; if the branch is bent all the time, the tree will not grow straight! On top of that, they carry heavy backpacks, play sports, and other extracurricular activities. This can lead to subluxations which are misalignments in the spine.

At first, they might not even feel any symptoms. But, left untreated, these misalignments can cause big problems down the road. The good news is that kids heal remarkably fast, so they may only need occasional adjustments.

In both children and adults, the most common complaints seen from misaligned vertebrae are back pain, neck pain, headaches, poor posture, and tightness/stiffness. This can lead to not having the summer of fun that you wanted!

With kids, depending on their size, weight, Dr. Nicole will we use adjusting instruments and or light pressure hands-on adjustments to help start correcting their spinal motion and alignment. This pressure is gentle and will help them feel better immediately!

Don’t put it off until fall; come in now and get your teen’s spine checked and aligned. And while you’re here, how about an adjustment for you, too?  We can’t wait to see you in our Brookfield office soon!