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For most women, pregnancy is a blessed event, and the thought of staying healthy during this time is not really on their minds. But preventing maternity-related illness and disease is very important for both mom and baby.

The reality of the matter is that many things can go wrong during pregnancy – from gestational diabetes to preeclampsia, just to name a few. However, most of these problems can be avoided with a bit of effort and some commonsense precautions.


Knapp Chiropractic & Wellness Center Blog

Regular Chiropractic Care Helps Foster a Healthy Pregnancy

One important way to stay healthy during pregnancy is to get regular chiropractic care. Chiropractic adjustments help keep the spine and nervous system functioning correctly, which helps support the mom-to-be’s overall health. As your pregnancy progresses, you produce a hormone called relaxin that prepares your body for delivery. Still, it can also contribute to aches and pains as your supporting ligaments relax and stretch.

A woman’s body goes through many changes during pregnancy, and chiropractic care helps counter the stress that these changes can place on the spine. Adjustments help alleviate back pain, reduce symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, improve bowel function, and speed up recovery after childbirth or Cesarean delivery.

Our goal with chiropractic adjustments is to help you have a comfortable pregnancy and allow your developing baby to grow strong and healthy. It can also help you get more restful sleep, release muscle tension and ease the gravity shifts when you are pregnant.

How Chiropractic Care Helps Your Unborn Baby

Furthermore, by keeping the nervous system working optimally, chiropractic care can help to ensure that the baby receives an adequate flow of nutrients and oxygen. This is especially important during the third trimester, when the baby is growing at a rapid pace. It can also help establish pelvic balance, which can aid in optimal baby positioning for birth.

Of course, prenatal chiropractic care is not a substitute for other prenatal health measures such as diet and exercise. Still, it offers many benefits that can help make pregnancy more comfortable and healthier for both mother and baby.

We used the safe and effective Webster technique on pregnant women, which is very gentle and soothing. It helps relieve spinal nerve stress, offers pain relief, and is recommended by the international chiropractic pediatric association.

Chiropractic Care is  Holistic During Pregnancy

We understand that maternity care is holistic and take a whole-person approach to providing care. This means that we will adjust the pregnant woman’s spine and work to help you deal with any emotional issues or stress she may be experiencing.

Stress during pregnancy is common, but it can feel scary to first-time moms especially.  Symptoms of stress include fatigue, frequent anxiety attacks, depression, back pain, pelvic pain, hip pain, joint pain, neck pain,  sciatic pain, nausea, migraines.How chiropractic care helps back pain during pregnancy.

At your first maternity visit with us, you will receive a maternity intake form that asks about any emotional issues you are experiencing. We take this info very seriously and will do everything in our power to help you learn to manage any stress you are feeling.

Chiropractic Treatment is Drug-Free Which is Perfect for Pregnant Patients

Finally, chiropractic care is drug-free alternative medicine. While most pregnant women are not opposed to taking medicine when absolutely necessary, many prefer that treatment be as natural as possible.

Chiropractic care is the treatment of choice for treating back pain during pregnancy because it does not involve anything dangerous or artificial. Our maternity chiropractic services are tailored to effectively meet the needs of pregnant women.

If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, we urge you to make an appointment with us for a maternity evaluation. We believe that regular chiropractic care is one of the best ways to stay healthy during pregnancy and would be honored to help you have a safe and healthy nine months.

Maternity Chiropractic

We are located in Brookfield but serve the entire Milwaukee metro area! Contact us to discuss a treatment plan for your chiropractic care at (262)796-5108 or schedule online.